who is kabiradas?? and why his view on religion is important for spirituality in india

Who is kabiradas 
Kabir Das, a mystical poet and great Saint of India, was born in the year 1440 and died in the year 1518. According to the Islam the meaning of the Kabir is The Great
It is clearly not known about his birth parents but it is noted that he has been grew up by the very poor family of Muslim weavers. He was very spiritual person and became a great Sadhu.
it was his inner voice that helped him seek the pathway. He used to write poetries on his own. He never went to acquire education. He was a self-made man and discovered everything on his own. It was his latent talent that made him create legendary writings. His writings changed the way Indians used to think.
His view about religion and spirituality
Though Kabir did not have any Vedic knowledge, he was influenced by the revival that took place at his time. The religious uprisings gave birth many Saints of the time like Guru Nanak, St. Tulsidas, Chaitanya, Tukaram, Mirabai, Surdas who ridiculed existing traditions and mindless following of orthodoxy.
St. Kabir incorporated teachings of all religions, the true essence of Islam and Vedas which is the foundation of all paths to salvation. Kabir rejected all the dogmatic thoughts of worship and advised path of selfless devotion to almighty. He advised to worship formless god, rejecting all idol worship. He said all the living being have god in them. The connection of Jivatma and Parmatma was never denied by even Vedas. He said that through salvation Jivatma and Parmatma both unite. To quote him "That death takes to some today and it will take you tomorrow"
Kabir did not like to press people to follow his
own path, but he wanted people to follow that path
which, according to them, was useful. His principle was easy and practicable. According to him humanity is an essential quality of a man. Keeping away from false,artificial shows and treating all with love is the true duty of a man which every body should positively do.

Matters relating the soul were an integral part of Kabir’s spiritual messages. Soul according to him was life, breath and knowledge. It was a part of the ‘ultimate knowledge’. The soul itself was the creation and it also was the creator. It was also the knowledge and the knowledgeable. The soul was the creator of all things, it also was the destroyer. In Kabir’s opinion cows may be of different colours but milk was the same.

Hence, though different ideas and thoughts may be merging together, soul remained the same. 

Following are some golden words of kabirdas

"The world is full of Maya (illusion) and attachment, but no one appears to be concerned.

1)"The trap of Maya and attachment is very strong. Only the devotee who has discriminative power can cut himself free."

2)To what shore would you cross, O my heart? there is no traveller before you, there is no road:
Where is the movement, where is the rest, on that shore?
There is no water; no boat, no boatman, is there;
There is not so much as a rope to tow the boat, nor a man to draw it.
No earth, no sky, no time, no thing, is there: no shore, no ford!
There, there is neither body nor mind: and where is the place that shall still the thirst of the soul? You shall find naught in that emptiness.
Be strong, and enter into your own  body: for there your foothold is firm. Consider it well, O my heart! go not elsewhere,
Kabîr says: "Put all imaginations away, and stand fast in that which you are."



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