
sigmund freud on beauty and esthetics

sigmund freud quote Consider the interesting case in which happiness in life is predominantly sought in the enjoyment of beauty, wherever beauty presents itself to our senses and our judgement--the beauty of human forms and gestures, of natural objects and landscapes and of artistic and even scientific creations. This aesthetic attitude to the goal of life offers little protection against the threat of suffering, but it can compensate for a great deal. The enjoyment of beauty has a peculiar, mildly intoxication quality of feeling. Beauty has no obvious use; nor is there any clear cultural necessity for it. Yet civilization could not do without it. The science of aesthetics investigatges the conditionsunder which things are felt as beautiful, but it has been unable to give any explanation of the nature and origin of beauty, and, as usually happens, lack of success is concealed beneath a flood of resounding and empty words. Psychoanalysis, unfortunately, has carecely anything

When Greek and indian wisdom meet

This debate happened between Buddhist sage Nāgasena, and the Indo-Greek king Menander I (Pali: Milinda) of Bactria, who reigned in the 2nd century BCE  Menander was initially a king of Bactria. After conquering the Punjab he established an empire in the Indian Subcontinent stretching from the Kabul River valley in the west to the Ravi River in the east, and from the Swat River valley in the north to Arachosia (the Helmand Province). Milinda was the king in the city of Sàgala. He was learned in the arts and sciences and was of an inquiring disposition. He was skilled in debating and no one could resolve his doubts about religious matters. Though he questioned all the famous teachers none could satisfy him King Milinda continued his spiritual quest by visiting the  bhikkhu  âyupàla but bhikku anupalan unable to give his answer so the king asked, “Is there then, my good men, any other learned sage who is able to discuss  things with me and dispel my doubts?” Then the minister

God ,devil and metaphysical revolt-by Albert Camus

Individual often find the conflict between himself and whole creation of god .He observe that his Daly suffering seems meaning less . Every day he follow the rules of the society or institution and his every action for filling gap between  his inner word and whole creation of god but during all these process he continuously dying .In this situation    metaphysical revolt happen                   According to albert Camus Metaphysical rebellion is the movement by which man protests against his condition and against the whole of creation. It is metaphysical because it contests the ends of man and of creation. The slave protests against the condition in which he finds himself within his state of slavery; the metaphysical rebel protests against the condition in which he finds himself as a man. The rebel slave affirms that there is something in him that will not tolerate the manner in which his master treats him; the metaphysical rebel declares that he is frustrated by the universe. For bot

who is kabiradas?? and why his view on religion is important for spirituality in india

Who is kabiradas  Kabir Das, a mystical poet and great Saint of India, was born in the year 1440 and died in the year 1518. According to the Islam the meaning of the Kabir is The Great It is clearly not known about his birth parents but it is noted that he has been grew up by the very poor family of Muslim weavers. He was very spiritual person and became a great Sadhu. it was his inner voice that helped him seek the pathway. He used to write poetries on his own. He never went to acquire education. He was a self-made man and discovered everything on his own. It was his latent talent that made him create legendary writings. His writings changed the way Indians used to think. His view about religion and spirituality Though Kabir did not have any Vedic knowledge, he was influenced by the revival that took place at his time. The religious uprisings gave birth many Saints of the time like Guru Nanak, St. Tulsidas, Chaitanya, Tukaram, Mirabai, Surdas who ridiculed existing traditions and mind

Rabindranath taigor Jayanti: Great conversation between Einstein and Rabindranath taigor

On July 14, 1930, Albert Einstein welcomed into his home on the outskirts of Berlin the Indian philosopher, musician, and Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore. The two proceeded to have one of the most stimulating, intellectually riveting conversations in history, exploring the  age-old friction  between  science and religion .  Science and the Indian Tradition: When Einstein Met Tagore  ( public library ) recounts the historic encounter, amidst a broader discussion of the intellectual renaissance that swept India in the early twentieth century, germinating a curious osmosis of Indian traditions and secular Western scientific doctrine. EINSTEIN:  Do you believe in the Divine as isolated from the world? TAGORE:  Not isolated. The infinite personality of Man comprehends the Universe. There cannot be anything that cannot be subsumed by the human personality, and this proves that the Truth of the Universe is human Truth. I have taken a scientific fact to explain this — Matter is composed of